Contemporary Art Curatorial Projects

Abstract art exhibition contemporary art in the Philippines

Electric Youth

(2020) A collection of vibrant pieces examining concepts of youthful resilience, creativity, and the forever young mindset If this energy can be seen by the naked eye, what would it look like?

Hindsight is 2020 art exhibition contemporary art in the Philippines

Hindsight is 20/20

(2020) A collection of works reflecting on actions in retrospect; glimpses into what crippled and disheartened people in this crisis and consequently the recognition of what would bring inspiration.

Isabel Barredo Del Mundo midcentury modern exhibition poster contemporary art in the Philippines

Introspective Playground

(2019) Solo exhibition by Isabel Barredo-Del Mundo. A collection of mid-century retro-inspired pieces that reveals her once private creative passions — drawing and painting.

Humbly Mutant Upgrade poster contemporary art in the Philippines

Mutant Upgrade

(2018) Solo exhibition by Bryan Reynald Antonio about the techno-synergistic mutation of man. A social commentary exploring mutation possibilities caused by technology taking over humanity.

Abstract art exhibition Jack Mernin poster contemporary art in the Philippines


(2018) Solo exhibition by Jack Mernin.
Lansgage was the term invented by Marcel Proust and Reynaldo Hahn to describe their coded language used in their personal correspondence.

Imagined Futures art exhibition contemporary art in the Philippines

Imagined Futures: Dreams on Paper

(2018) Parallel exhibition of works on paper by Manila-based artists and the children of Creative Image Foundation. A fundraising organized to celebrate the National Arts Month